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Teaching Statement

If I could offer you only one gift, it would be this: The ability to trust yourself.

So many of us have lost the ability to hear our own hearts and act on our own wisdom. My goal is to help you reclaim that through the variety of products, programs, and community-care campaigns I've created.

When you trust yourself, you have the confidence to speak up for what you need, to set boundaries, to develop meaningful relationships, and to savor the good stuff whenever you're lucky enough to experience it. 

My 25 Year Journey

You've Got a Hidden Talent

( It's called, "Neuroception." )

Did You Know You've Got a Hidden Talent?

( It's called, "Neuroception." )



Ventral Circuit

(Calm State)

Glad Emotions

Empowered Choices

Self-Care: Savor & Enjoy


Sympathetic Circuit

(Fidgety State)

Icky, Afraid & Mad Emotions

Survival Overrides Choices

Self-Care: Movement & Breathing

Life Threat

Dorsal Circuit

(Frozen State)

Critical & Sad Emotions; Numb

Survival Overrides Choices

Self-Care: Cozy Comfort & Breathing

My Mission

To make mental health fun. 

I use cartoons to simplify complex ideas in psychology and make them more accessible to the public. I believe this is an effective way to improve emotional literacy within communities and disrupt cycles of intergenerational trauma.

Free Programs

What's Emotional Literacy?

Emotional literacy is the ability to recognize, understand, and regulate emotions. It involves developing self-awareness, empathy, and communication skills to effectively navigate social and personal challenges in an ethical way. By cultivating emotional literacy, individuals can move past denial and willful defensiveness to manage stress, build healthier relationships, and foster a purposeful life.

What's Emotional Literacy?

Emotional literacy is the ability to recognize, understand, and regulate emotions. It involves developing self-awareness, empathy, and communication skills to effectively navigate social and personal challenges in an ethical way. By cultivating emotional literacy, individuals can move past denial and willful defensiveness to manage stress, build healthier relationships, and foster a purposeful life.

 Repeat After Me:

You are stronger than you think.